East Java foods are usually much less sweet and extra spicier evaluate to the Central Javanese ones. Fish and fish/seafood products are quite extensively, e.g. terasi and petis udang . Some of the extra well-liked meals are lontong kupang , lontong balap , sate klopo , semanggi surabaya , pecel lele , rawon . Diverse and eclectic, Betawi cuisine of Jakarta draw culinary influences from Chinese, Malay, Sundanese, to Arab, Indian and European. Popular Betawi dishes include nasi uduk , sayur asem , asinan , gado-gado, , ketoprak, , and kerak telor .
The Vanilla Bean Blog
In Bali, dragonflies are also consumed by processing them into pepes. The meat could be cooked in wealthy spices and coconut milk similar to beef, goat or lamb rendang, skewered, seasoned and grilled rooster or mutton as satay, barbecued meats, or sliced and cooked in wealthy broth soup as soto. Muttons and varied offals could be use as components for soto soup or gulai curry. In Bali, with its Hindu majority, the babi guling is well-liked among locals in addition to non-Muslim guests, while the Batak people of North Sumatra have babi panggang that could also be a similar dish. The meat additionally can be processed to be thinly-sliced and dried as dendeng , or made into abon .
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